Curriculum Overview


Year Group

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


How have toys changed over time?

What is so ‘great’ about our ‘outdoors’?

How did the Great Fire affect London?

How does the African Savannah compare to the countryside where we live?

What does ‘home’ mean to you?


Why do we remember Mary Anning?

Why were these famous women significant?

What did Captain Cook achieve?

Where should my food come from?

UK and India: What’s the same and what’s different?

How does your garden grow?


How did life in Britain change from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?

Why is it difficult for life to survive in the polar regions?

How did metal make Middlesbrough mighty?

What was life like in  Ancient Egypt ?

What will happen to the world if the rainforests disappear?


How did the success of the Roman Empire affect Britain?

What happened to Britain when the Romans left?

From source to sea: Where does the water come from?

Plastic Pollution: What’s all the fuss about?

What can we learn about the Titanic disaster?

How do the different states of the USA compare to the UK?


How did the Ancient Greeks influence the world?

Humans Vs nature: Which is more disastrous?



Humans Vs nature: Which is more disastrous?

(Human/climate change focus)

Vikings: Ruthless Killers or Peaceful Settlers?

What do we know about Earth and Space?

What would you include in a Great British theme park?


Why did Hitler invade and what did it achieve?

Why is trade important?

Was it worth the risk?

Is wrong ever right?

Is wrong ever right?

What will our historical footprint be?




The wider curriculum at Rose Wood is delivered through an enquiry driven approach.  This approach is underpinned by our teaching and learning principles as outlined in the ‘Teaching and Learning’ document.  The enquiry driven curriculum is designed to be cross-curricular and is underpinned by quality literature.  The curriculum is designed to engage and enthral with aspects that are practical and academic and prepare children for the next stage of their life and education. 

What do we mean by Enquiry Driven?


Each unit of study is driven by an enquiry in the form of a question. This question is the main driver for the core content of the unit.  For example, science may be the main focus of a unit of work. In this instance, the question is a science driven one such as ‘How does your garden grow?’ or ‘What else is there to discover about Earth and space?’ When geography is the main focus of study, the questions are geography driven, such as ‘From source to sea: where does the water come from?’ or ‘What would you include in a Great British theme park?’ In the case of history being the key focus, the questions are history driven such as ‘Vikings: Ruthless Killers or Peaceful Settlers?’ or ‘The Empire Strikes: How did the Romans become so successful?’  The main focus of the study is what we call the ‘direct pathway’ and this direct pathway contains the study that will allow the children to answer the question.


Curriculum Content


Direct Pathway

As described above, the key focus of an enquiry will be subject specific but there are always obvious cross-curricular links that are needed as part of an enquiry.  For example, in order to understand the history of the Vikings and their reasons for invasion and settlement, it is important to understand the geography of Scandinavia and the UK.  To understand more about the impact and long term change caused by the Great Fire of London, children need to understand the historical layout of London and the influence the fire had on the modern layout.  Any subjects that contribute to directly answering the enquiry question are built into the learning and form the content of the direct pathway.  This cross-curricular approach allows us to revisit content but also allows for the teaching of new content with context. 


Indirect Pathway

Not all curriculum content is covered on the direct pathway even though there are good curricular links, such as the study of mosaics when learning about the Romans.  Although this is a cross-curricular link it does not sit within the direct pathway as it does not directly answer the question.  It does, however, complement the learning and supports with context. This is our complementary or indirect pathway.  Subjects such as art, DT and music are often the ones that complement the learning but do not sit on the direct pathway.  This is not always the case however and any subject can be part of the direct pathway or linked to it. 


Underpinned by Literature

We have adopted the ‘Power of Reading’ approach as a school.  We value great literature and know its importance, especially when linked to the wider curriculum learning.  For this reason, each of the EDC units is underpinned by a quality text.  For example, the book ’Shackleton’s Journey’ by William Grill underpins the Year Six EDC unit that has the enquiry question ‘Was it worth the risk?’ Content from the book, alongside a historical study of events at the time and a study of the geography of the Antarctic, drive learning.  These sit within the direct pathway.  Some work associated with the books may be strongly linked and are identified in our EDC planning but sit outside of the direct pathway. For example, the book ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ supports the children’s learning about Vikings but does not directly answer the enquiry question.  This approach means we give real purpose for our reading and create significant content for the children to include in their writing, as well as developing a love of literature.  Children are able to produce lots of content which enables the staff to focus on developing their technical skill.


The Importance of Prior Learning

As outlined within the ‘Teaching and Learning’ document, we know the importance of building on prior knowledge as well as revisiting prior knowledge to deepen understanding and retention.  The way this is done for each subject is outlined within the individual subject statements.  In our EDC, we identify the specific prior learning when we plan.  This ensures that we build on it and revisit it.


The Enquiry Outcomes

The enquiry outcomes are a vital part of the learning process.  They are the end product and, as well as answering the enquiry question, must have significant content and be something that allows the children to share their learning with others.  This could be in the form of an exhibition to parents, other pupils in the school or even the public.  It could be a book or online publication.  It could be an art installation or a movie etc.  This gives real purpose and meaning to the learning and creates a sense of achievement and pride.


Discrete Content

Some subjects do not fit within an EDC, either on the direct or indirect pathway. These subjects are still taught but they are taught discretely.  Some subjects such as maths and PE are often, but not always, standalone.  Any subject can be standalone, however, as we know there is no benefit to tenuous curricular links.   


The diagram below shows the key aspects of our Enquiry Driven Curriculum with some examples of the type of content that may be included.  This diagram is used to support the planning of our EDC and is used in conjunction with the curriculum content that is outlined in each of the subject statements.



Please find information below per year groups about our Enquiry Driven Curriculum

Year 1 Curriculum

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Year 2 Curriculum

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Year 3 Curriculum

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Year 4 Curriculum

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Year 5 Curriculum

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Year 6 Curriculum

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Key Documents for English

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Supporting Reading using Accelerated Reader

We use ‘Accelerated Reader’ across Key Stage Two and for some children in Year Two. It is a reading package that allows children to read from a wide range of books that are at the appropriate level for them. Children are then quizzed on the book that they have chosen to determine their level of understanding. Children accrue points, which depend on the word count of the book and their quiz scores, and prizes are awarded in school for the different number of points achieved.

If you would like to check that your child’s book at home can be used as an ‘Accelerated Reader’ book and the book level of the book then you can use the AR Bookfinder site. There is a link to the site here


Early Reading


Seven Areas of Early Reading

Reading underpins the learning in the foundation stage with communication and language at the heart of learning across all of the EYFS. Communication and language is embedded into the setting through the areas of the provision and through the adults working and interacting at child level in order to achieve a good level of communication, interacting, questioning and understanding.

Across the EYFS setting, children have access to reading areas which are developed to enhance the current learning linked to the topic being taught as well as other high quality texts with which the children are familiar. A range of new texts are also available. These books are changed regularly. Children have the opportunity to share books with friends and staff.

In Nursery and in the Autumn term of Reception, keyworker inputs are based around the development of communication and language in order to develop the skills and vocabulary needed to allow children to progress onto the early stages of reading.

The children receive a ‘Book for Bedtime’, which they are encouraged to change regularly to share with their parent/guardian at home. In Nursery, children then mark make about the story in their journal.

Once the children are in Reception, parents have access to their focused reading book on-line through their dedicated Collins Little Wandle login. Staff upload this book every Friday for parents to read at home.

At Rose Wood, we use Little Wandle, Letters and Sounds Revised programme. Phonics is taught daily in both Nursery and Reception and ongoing professional discussions and regular assessments allow the monitoring of individual development and progress.


Prioritise Reading

The quality of reading provision and early reading is of high priority within the school. Reading and literature is at the heart of the curriculum and a priority for pupils as soon as they start in nursery. Language and vocabulary is celebrated in the early years’ environment and practitioners take every opportunity to develop this.


The Early Years has a clear reading ‘diet’, to which all pupils are exposed. This includes rhymes, traditional stories, ‘Power of Reading’ texts and other carefully chosen texts. There is explicit, daily teaching of synthetic phonics using the systematic Little Wandle scheme with clear milestones for expectations to ensure pupils are secure at every stage of their early reading development and working towards becoming fluent readers.


The quality of the provision is regularly scrutinised and evaluated to ensure consistent high standards.  The approaches to developing early reading are well informed by this scrutiny as well as external sources and research.  The school has good outcomes for reading which is evidence that the early reading approach is working but it still remains a high priority as the principal and staff all know it is of the highest importance to underpin learning.  Staff are held to account for the quality of reading provision, including a focus on early reading. Staff are supported with appropriate CPD to ensure that they are highly skilled in teaching reading and early reading. SLT ensure that the school is well resourced with the appropriate books and additional resources to deliver reading.


All children are celebrated and the confidence and self-esteem gained allows all pupils to see themselves as readers. Phonics assessments are used to track progress and identify gaps. Leaders have a clear understanding of the children who are falling behind and the interventions are in place to enable the children to catch up. This is a focus of pupil progress meetings.


Phonics is taught daily with additional catch up sessions for any children falling behind. It is our strong belief that all children can be readers and our provision reflects this belief.


Reading expectations are well communicated with parents and support is given to families to help them with their reading practice at home with their children. 

Love of Reading

We always look for innovative ways to engage children and parents with reading. Reading has a high profile as soon as children come into school in order to promote a love of reading. In Nursery, children are read to at least twice a session and, in Reception, children are read to every day, at least once but often more frequently.


The ‘Power of Reading’ underpins our curriculum from Nursery upwards, giving children access to quality texts and providing opportunities to develop book talk. Time is planned into the timetable to allow opportunities for children to talk about their favourite books and children in Reception are able to vote for the book selected as their end of day text.  


Books are promoted throughout the setting- in reading areas and in provision areas – and children are invited into the areas to listen to stories as well as encouraged to go in and share books independently. Books in the reading area are selected carefully and include books which are familiar to the children as they were the books read by adults to the children in the previous half term.  A core reading spine of texts has been carefully selected to ensure that children experience a range of quality literature, including stories and rhymes as well as choices being made which appeal to their interests. Adults in the setting are supported to be engaging and exciting storytellers and, as a result, children can be heard using expression and intonation in their own storytelling.


The environment in the Early Years celebrates reading with displays that celebrate pupils’ own book making, as well as documenting the books children have read together and explored through the ‘Power of Reading’. Puppet areas across Early Years, at different points in the year, promote children bringing known texts alive and they’re encouraged to develop their own imaginative storytelling using different characters.


The children’s love of reading is developed further through the fact that all children are taken to the library where they are encouraged to get their own library card and are started on the path to become lifelong readers.

Programme and


We teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. We start teaching the foundations of phonics in Nursery and then follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression in Reception, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school.

As a result, all our children are able to tackle any unfamiliar words as they read. At Rose Wood Academy, we also model the application of the alphabetic code through phonics in shared reading and writing, both inside and outside of the phonics lesson and across the curriculum. We have a strong focus on language development for our children because we know that speaking and listening are crucial skills for reading and writing in all subjects.

At Rose Wood Academy, we value reading as a crucial life skill. By the time children leave us, they read confidently for meaning and enjoy reading for pleasure. We ensure that this happens by prioritising reading from the very beginning of their journey with us. We encourage our children to see themselves as readers for both pleasure and purpose. Any children who haven’t achieve our reading expectations are targeted. We timetable additional ‘catch up’ phonics and reading sessions for any child in Year 2 or above who is not yet fully fluent at reading and we are relentless in our belief that everyone can be a fluent reader.

Book Match Sounds

We teach children to read through reading practice sessions. These are taught by a trained adult to small groups of approximately 6 children.

The books we use are matched closely to the children’s secure phonic knowledge. We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised assessments and book matching grids to do this.

Children receive a login for the Collins eBooks site so they are able to read the decodable practice book at home.

We have invested in the Collins decodable books for all the phases and these are directly linked to the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised programme.

Phonics from the Start

Foundations for phonics in Nursery


We provide a balance of child-led and adult-led experiences for all children that meet the curriculum expectations for ‘Communication and language’ and ‘Literacy’. These include:

    • sharing high-quality stories and poems
    • learning a range of nursery rhymes and action rhymes
    • activities that develop focused listening and attention, including oral blending
    • attention to high-quality language.


We ensure Nursery children are well prepared to begin learning grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs) and blending in Reception.


Daily phonics lessons in Reception and Year 1


We teach phonics for 30 minutes a day. In Reception, we build from 10-minute lessons, with additional daily oral blending games, to the full-length lesson as quickly as possible. Each Friday, we review the week’s teaching to help children become fluent readers.

  • Children make a strong start in Reception: teaching begins in Week 2 of the Autumn term.
  • We follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised expectations of progress:
    • Children in Reception are taught to read and spell words using Phase 2 and 3 GPCs, and words with adjacent consonants (Phase 4) with fluency and accuracy.
    • Children in Year 1 review Phases 3 and 4 and are taught to read and spell words using Phase 5 GPCs with fluency and accuracy.

Catch up Quickly

The children are assessed formally every half term using the Little Wandle on-line assessment. These assessments allow us to identify specifically the areas of difficulty a child may have.  However, any child who is identified during the daily phonics sessions as falling behind immediately receives additional practice through ‘Keep-Up’ sessions. Daily Keep-up sessions ensure every child learns to read. Keep-up lessons match the structure of class teaching and use the same procedures, resources and mantras, but in smaller steps with more repetition.


Any children not reading fluently by the end of Year 1 or any children who have not passed the Phonics Screening check are assessed and placed on the Little Wandle Rapid Catch-up programme. The Little Wandle Rapid catch up programme and resources are used to teach at pace. These short sharp lessons have been designed to ensure children quickly catch up to age-related expectations in reading.


We use:

the Rapid Catch-up initial assessment to quickly identify any gaps in phonic knowledge and plan appropriate teaching

the Rapid Catch-up summative assessments to assess progress and inform teaching

the Rapid Catch-up fluency assessments when children are reading the Phase 5 set 3, 4 and 5 books.


The fluency assessments measure children’s accuracy and reading speed in short one-minute assessments. They also assess when children are ready to exit the Rapid Catch-up programme, which is possible when they read the final fluency assessment at 90+ words per minute.

Early Reading Experts


Every teacher and teaching assistant in our school has been trained to teach reading, so we have the same expectations of progress and the appropriate subject knowledge. We all use the same language, routines and resources to teach children to read so that we lower children’s cognitive load. School Improvement meetings are used to share good practice and CPD is offered in response to any issues that arise from monitoring and feedback from staff.  We closely follow the training materials from Little Wandle and support on their website is used regularly by staff teaching early reading to ensure that their practice is the very best it can be.

The Reading Leader and SLT regularly monitor teaching and learning, offering support where needed. Our Early Reading leader also offers support on our approach to the teaching of Early Reading so parents can best support their children at home.




Phonics Documents

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Phonics and Early Reading Policy
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Little Wandle Teaching Overview



Mathematics Curriculum for all Year Groups

Our ‘Mastery’ curriculum, intends to ensure that the children have a deep understanding of the subject, where they can make links between the different areas of Maths.

There are three aims of the Primary Mathematics Curriculum: fluency, reasoning and problem solving. In all lessons, where children are required to think mathematically, pupils are encouraged to apply their knowledge to a range of different activities and are given the opportunity to reason and problem solve. Much of the curriculum focuses on the children being able to reason about Maths and solve problems independently. It is no longer enough to just get the answer correct; the children need to be able to prove why and explain how and why.

In lessons, children are encouraged to use apparatus initially to develop a secure understanding before moving onto using just numbers and solving problems. To facilitate this understanding, lesson sequences follow a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach for new learning.

Each mathematics lesson begins with 5 a day. This is an opportunity for children to revisit prior learning and provide opportunities for children to recall knowledge from their long term memory.

How we implement our curriculum

As a school, we use the White Rose scheme of work as the spine of our mathematics teaching.

The White Rose Maths Hub provides term by term overviews for the new National Curriculum with the aim of supporting primary schools by providing more detailed Schemes of Learning, which help teachers plan lessons on a day to day basis.

We are members of the Archimedes Maths Hub and engage in Teacher Research Groups to improve our pedagogy across the school; we use the Big 5 Ideas as the impetus for our maths curriculum. Additionally, we engage in the Mastering Number scheme, which supports number sense within Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

The intended impact of our curriculum

We aim to revisit topics frequently by interweaving different skills together. For example, we will revisit knowledge of money and measures when learning methods for addition and subtraction. By the time pupils leave Rose Wood we aim to ensure that pupils can confidently recall key knowledge and are able to apply that to mathematical thinking. Pupils will be confident mathematicians who demonstrate a love of maths and are always eager to learn more.

Key Documents for Maths

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Subject Statement for Science

Curriculum Aims

Science is how we understand the world around us and we aim that our science curriculum is the tool through which children’s understanding of the world around them is developed. We want the children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena, through having a secure understanding of scientific knowledge and practices. Our curriculum celebrates the work of scientists and their impact on the world in which we live. We want our children to leave school equipped with the foundational skills of a scientist and aspirations towards this in later life. Our approach to science is threefold:

  • Develop knowledge and understanding through the disciplines of chemistry, biology and physics
  • Develop understanding by working scientifically across the disciplines
  • Support the understanding of the importance of science in everyday life in the past, present and future, including the study of some key influential scientists


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Early Years at Rose Wood Academy


At Rose Wood Academy, we ensure that all children have access to a broad curriculum which is accessible to all learners. The environment is rich in wonder and offers a wealth of opportunities and memorable experiences to allow the children to develop and grow their knowledge and skills, while preparing them for their next steps in their journey.  


Our enquiry driven curriculum is underpinned by high quality texts and literature which follows the ‘Power of Reading’ approach to teaching. This supports our curriculum which is heavily focused around early language and vocabulary. The continuous provision is designed to allow the children to be actively engaged across all areas of their learning, promoting independence and collaborative learning. Our stimulating environment allows children to grow and develop into confident, resilient, successful, independent learners, through a combination of adult led and child initiated activities along with carefully planned independent tasks. It allows children to experience daily learning opportunities and interactions in both the indoor and outdoor environment. children’s interests are explored and used as learning aids, supporting child led learning and deepening children’s knowledge and interests. We offer a curriculum which is progressive and tailed to ensure all children reach their full potential.


High quality adult interaction is key in moving learning forward. We believe that our skilled and knowledgeable adults and their quality interactions with the children are what allows our children within the provision to thrive. All Early Years practitioners are a hugely valuable resource in allowing the provision areas to be enhanced. Adults support children's next steps in learning and build upon prior knowledge by enhancing the provision to ensure there are opportunities for reconsolidation, problem solving and sustained shared thinking. This is also supported through the use of questioning which supports are enquiry driven curriculum. 


Relationships with parents are strong and begin prior to their child starting the setting. These relationships are developed through an initial telephone call, visits/drop in sessions to the setting and an effective transition process. All staff ensure that parents/carers are given the opportunities and resources to support their child’s learning. In turn, this supports parents to make valuable contributions to the knowledge staff have about their child.


In early years, we provide children with the skills and knowledge to ensure they are ready for their next steps in their learning journey. It is important that all children see themselves as learners and as adults we allow them to believe in themselves. Children leave the early years as well rounded individuals with positive learning behaviours which allow them to be active learners and in turn allows them to challenge themselves and manage risks.


The EYFS Framework

There are seven areas of learning and development that help to shape educational provision in Early Years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. None of the areas of learning can be delivered in isolation from the others. Our children’s learning experiences enable them to develop competency and skills not just academically but also socially, emotionally and physically.

The three prime areas which are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 
  • Communication and Language 
  • Physical Development 

Staff will also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied: 

  • Literacy 
  • Mathematics 
  • Understanding the world 
  • Expressive arts and design 

All of those areas of learning are connected together. The characteristics of effective teaching and learning weave through them all. That’s because children in the early years are becoming more powerful learners and thinkers. These characteristics develop as they learn to do new things, acquire new skills, develop socially and emotionally, and become better communicators.

At Rose Wood Academy, we plan learning experiences considering both the children's individual needs and achievements as well as a range of learning experiences that will assist them to make progress. Well planned play is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge during the Foundation Stage. Children deepen their understanding by playing, talking, observing, planning, questioning, experimenting, testing, repeating, reflecting and responding to adults and to each other.

Our learning environment is made up of areas which reflect all areas of the curriculum. Here children can make their own choices, encouraging them to play and explore. They can be active learners and are able to create and think critically. We operate an indoor/ outdoor learning experience for our young children, where they can move freely between both areas. Links are made between both learning environments, to ensure that all children receive a rich and varied curriculum that supports their learning and development.


EYFS Key Documents

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Curriculum Aims


At Rose Wood Academy, we want every pupil to learn and develop the knowledge and skills they need to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We believe that art and design is integral to developing imaginative, creative, culturally aware citizens who have a lifelong appreciation of the highest forms of human creativity.

Our pupils will learn how to critically engage with a diverse range of ancient, traditional, modern and contemporary artists through the most significant periods in art, understanding the key concepts behind them.

As they progress through our curriculum, pupils will accumulate properly embedded, sequenced knowledge and skills that help them to develop as confident practitioners of art who understand their position in the learning journey and what they need to do to improve. They will understand that improvement is relative to themselves, as they develop the confidence to express their creative voice in ways that suit their own artistic tastes and preferences.


Subject Content and Organisation


We teach art through four curriculum attainment areas, which correspond to the National Curriculum for art and design, and closely relate to the NSEAD’s four attainment targets.

Our four curriculum attainment areas are:

Skills – acquiring skills sequentially and reinforcing these skills through regular practice.

Knowledge & Understanding – developing their knowledge of significant art through time and understanding the concepts behind it. Also, to develop their knowledge of key subject vocabulary in order to critically engage with works of art.

Creativity – opportunities to execute the knowledge and skills they learn in appropriate, imaginative and creative ways.

Reflection – developing the pupil’s metacognitive ability to critically engage with their own and others work, so that they understand their position in the learning process and know what they need to do in order to improve.

Art is divided into unit plans across each year group.  The unit plans are designed to cover the above areas and to ensure that the children get to experience the different strands of:

  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Sculpture
  • Design

The children will revisit these strands and the associated skills several times throughout their time in school.  This allows children to revisit skills, use prior learning and progress.  Where relevant, the units of work are aligned to the ‘Enquiry Driven Curriculum’.  This supports the children with their stimulus for creativity.  

The children study the work of different artists as part of the art curriculum.  This allows the children to appreciate different forms of art as well as giving them a stimulus for their own creativity.  The Rose Wood art curriculum covers a diverse range of artists from various backgrounds who demonstrate a range of styles using a range of mediums.  The artists chosen also cover the periods of art: Ancient, Traditional, Modern and Contemporary.  The list of artists can be seen in the appendices. 

All children have an art book from the start of KS1.  The books are specific to art.  They are high quality art books containing cartridge paper to promote high quality valued artwork.  The books allow the children to practise, develop and revisit skills.  The books can be used for painting, drawing and to create designs.  The children will use the books during their work on the main art units but will also use them to practise their art skills during half terms when art is not the main focus.  The books stay with the children throughout school and remain as a stimulus to the children as well as a record of progression.  The teachers also have an art book which supports their own subject knowledge and skills development as well as supporting their modelling when teaching the class.



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Subject Statement for Computing

Curriculum Aims

At Rose Wood we aim to implement the Computing curriculum in such a way, that it prepares children for life in Modern Britain. We achieve this by designing tasks that require computational thinking and creativity. Technology is constantly evolving and changing with work and leisure activities increasingly transformed by technology; at Rose Wood we provide opportunities for children to experience a wide range of hardware and software to ensure that they are prepared for such changes and have the skills to be resilient when faced with new challenges. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Lessons focus on the correct use of technical vocabulary and children are encouraged to use this. We frequently revisit skills, through the design of the curriculum, and provide plenty of opportunities to build upon prior learning. Embedded in the curriculum is a key focus on digital resilience; we aim for all pupils to be able to use technology safely and responsibly, and to recognise risks, whatever platform they are using.


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Curriculum Aims


At Rose Wood we aim for Design and Technology (DT) education to involve two important elements.  They are:

  • learning about the designed and made world and how things work
  • learning to design and make functional products for particular purposes and users.

Children will acquire and apply knowledge and understanding of materials and components, mechanisms and control systems, structures, existing products, quality and health and safety.  They will understand the principles of design and the importance of evaluating products and improving them.

The skills learned in DT will also help with learning across the curriculum. Knowledge about the properties of materials will help in science and the practice of measuring accurately will support the learning in maths. Aspects of DT will also help in IT through the children’s use of computer control and, naturally, in art and design.


Subject Content and Organisation


DT education helps develop children’s skills through collaborative working and problem-solving, and knowledge in design, materials, structures, mechanisms and electrical control. They are encouraged to be creative and innovative, and are actively encouraged to think about important issues such as sustainability and enterprise.

There are three core activities children engage with in DT:

  • Activities which involve investigating and evaluating existing products
  • Focused tasks in which children develop particular aspects of knowledge and skills
  • Designing and making activities in which children design and make 'something' for 'somebody' for 'some purpose'

These three activities are combined in sequence to create a DT project.

The curriculum is based upon and supported by the ‘Projects on a Page’ from the DT association.  ‘Projects on a Page’ break each key aspect of DT down into easy to follow expectations that allow teachers to plan projects that ensure all elements of the DT curriculum are covered at the appropriate level with progression and challenge is built in.  They are organised into the following projects that ensure full coverage of the national curriculum:


Age group



Year 1/2


Sliders and levers

Year 1/2


Freestanding structures

Year 1/2


Preparing fruit and vegetables

Year 1/2


Templates and joining techniques

Year 1/2


Wheels and axles

Year 3/4


2-D shape to 3-D product

Year 3/4


Healthy and varied diet

Year 3/4

Mechanical Systems

Levers and linkages

Year 3/4


Shell structures

Year 3/4

Electrical Systems

Simple circuits and switches

Year 5/6


Celebrating culture and seasonality

Year 5/6


Combining different fabric shapes

Year 5/6


Frame structures

Year 5/6

Electrical Systems

More complex switches and circuits

Year 5/6

Mechanical Systems

Pulleys or gears


Further details can be found at 

The projects are distributed across the key stages so that there is an opportunity to revisit skills and knowledge as well as learn new skills.  The choice of projects in each year group has been aligned to the main Enquiry Driven Curriculum so that there is a greater purpose for the products that are created.  The long term overview can be seen in the appendix.


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Subject Statement for Geography

Curriculum Aims

A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth's key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the framework and approaches that explain how the Earth's features at different scales are shaped, interconnected and change over time.

At Rose Wood, we aim to achieve this whilst delivering the National Curriculum aims of:

  • Developing contextual knowledge of the location of globally significant places - both terrestrial and marine - including their defining physical and human characteristics and how these provide a geographical context for understanding the actions of processes
  • Understanding the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world, how these are interdependent and how they bring about spatial variation and change over time.

We also aim to deliver competency in the geographical skills needed to:

  • collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes
  • interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs and Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
  • communicate geographical information in a variety of ways, including through maps, numerical and quantitative skills and writing at length


Geography Documentation

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Geography Key Knowledge Documents

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Subject Statement for History

Curriculum Aims

The key aim for our history curriculum is to ensure that children leave Rose Wood with a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. This begins in the Early Years where children begin to understand the concept of chronology by looking at changes in their own lifetimes. The aim of our KS1 history curriculum is to build on this early knowledge and understanding. Children will develop the language of history and extend their understanding of chronology to beyond their own lifetimes. Children will gain an early understanding of how we can use historical sources to develop knowledge of life beyond living memory, an aspect which will be developed further within the key stage two curriculum. Children will learn about some significant people and events, including opportunities to look at aspects which are relevant locally.

The aim of the KS2 history curriculum is largely driven by the expected knowledge outlined within the National Curriculum. The aim is to embed identified key knowledge and historical skills that build on prior knowledge. To develop the children’s sense of chronology, children will be made aware of where the period studied relates in time to other periods of historical significance. Each year group in KS2 will study an early civilisation and these will be compared when children have learnt about all of these civilisations, with a focus on their legacy on society today. Our curriculum aims to give children a strong grounding in British history chronologically from the first settlements through to Roman Britain, the Anglo Saxons and the Vikings, culminating in World War 2 in Year 6. Woven through these is the concept of invasion and its impact on Britain. These units are supplemented with additional units to reinforce children’s historical skills, support learning in other subjects and foster a love of learning about the past. Our history curriculum also offers some opportunities beyond the national curriculum to further consolidate the skills taught, broaden the children’s knowledge and enhance engagement. Throughout the curriculum, pupils are taught the substantive content which defines each period - knowledge which is carefully planned and regularly revisited to ensure that it is fully embedded. The skills of how to be a historian are also carefully planned for and run through all history units.


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History Key Knowledge Documents

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Subject Statement for MFL

Curriculum Aims

Our aim is to promote the study of a foreign language because of its increasing importance in the modern world. We want to embed language learning into our curriculum. Enriching the curriculum and releasing children’s creative energy through sport drama, music and languages reinforces their understanding of the basics and helps them enjoy a broader, more balanced curriculum.

The experience of learning and using a foreign language makes its unique contribution to the whole curriculum by taking children out of the familiar environment, which is pervaded by English, and allowing them to explore the life-style and culture of another land through the medium of its language. This in turn provides a satisfying, enjoyable and intellectually challenging experience for children in coping with a different linguistic medium.

It is the intention that all children in KS2 will access quality first teaching of French in order to adequately prepare them for KS3.


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Subject Statement for Music

Curriculum Aims

At Rose Wood we aim for children to experience the joys of music and understand musical concepts through a repetition-based approach to learning. We encourage all children, no matter ability, to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build their confidence through practice and performance. We aim to develop the children’s ability to understand rhythm and follow a beat and through singing songs aim for children to learn about the structure and organisation of music. We teach them to listen and to appreciate different forms of music. Children develop descriptive language skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent different feelings, emotions and narratives. We also teach technical vocabulary such as volume, pitch, beat and rhythm and encourage children to discuss music using these terms.


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Subject Statement for PE

Curriculum Aims

At Rose Wood we aim to implement the PE curriculum in such a way that we inspire all pupils to achieve their personal best and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident in a way that supports their health and fitness. We aim to educate all children on the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle, as well as ensuring that all children enjoy being active. The school motto ‘Be Kind and REAP the rewards’ is firmly embedded within the PE curriculum with children encouraged to display the values of kindness, respect, empathy, achievement and pride. We aim to ensure that every child, no matter what ability, has the opportunity to experience competitive sport and has access to extra-curricular clubs focusing on specific sports; these opportunities help build character and embed the values associated with sport and are a valuable addition to the PE curriculum.


We have achieved our School Games Silver Award for the third year running!


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Subject Statement for PSHE

Curriculum Aims



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Subject Statement for RE

Curriculum Aims

At Rose Wood Academy, we aim to deliver a high-quality Religious Education curriculum, which inspires pupils to be tolerant, respectful members of the wider community and celebrates the culture and diversity of people in Middlesbrough, Britain and the wider world.

For many people, religion forms a crucial part of their culture and identity. Our Religious Education curriculum prepares our children for life in modern day Britain so that they can make a positive contribution to the multicultural society in which we live.

At Rose Wood Academy, we intend to:

  • develop pupils’ knowledge and understanding of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and non-religious worldviews
  • allow pupils to explore the big questions about life, in order to find out what people believe, how they express their faith and what difference this makes to how they live
  • allow pupils to reflect on their own ideas and ways of living
  • contribute to the development of pupils’ cultural capital
  • prepare pupils for life in modern day Britain, to live as part of a multicultural society
  • give pupils an awareness of religion in Britain and particularly the North East of England
  • promote a positive and inclusive school ethos that champions democratic values and human rights
  • provoke challenging questions, encourage pupils to explore their own beliefs whilst enabling pupils to develop respect and understanding for others and challenging stereotypes
  • prompt pupils to consider their rights and responsibilities to society.


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Personal Development at Rose Wood

Personal Development is the thread that runs through all aspects of life at Rose Wood, building upon the foundations of our school values of ‘Be Kind and REAP the Rewards’ (Respect, Empathy, Achievement and Pride.) Our personal development provision is designed to be an ethos and culture as well as a curriculum, equipping children with the skills, knowledge and understanding that they need to lead confident, healthy lives and to become informed, active and responsible citizens. We aim to develop pupils who are able to contribute positively to the local community and the wider society of modern Britain.  We see personal development as a primary aim for educators and know that preparing children to be responsible, well rounded citizens goes beyond academic development.  

With this in mind, we have created a carefully constructed personal development offer which ensures that each and every pupil has high quality opportunities - both discrete and woven throughout the curriculum – to help them succeed at school and leave with the ability to engage positively in society and able to cope with the challenges that life sometimes brings.

Where possible, we strengthen the themes of our personal development provision with the use of quality texts, designed to reinforce messages and illustrate the themes in a manner which we feel helps children to truly understand issues and to develop respect and empathy. Although fiction books are often used for this, we always ensure that we make explicit links to real world situations and the feelings and motivations of real people – both themselves and others. This approach is used as the primary model for assemblies and books are chosen to promote equality, British Values, SMSC, school values and real world issues. This is then reinforced with additional texts on these themes which are shared in class. Our school reading spine – used to underpin learning across the curriculum and also develop reading for pleasure – is also carefully considered in order to support personal development. 

Our personal development offer encompasses the areas in the diagram below and you can click on the menus above to read more about this provision.






SMSC is the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the children in our school. At Rose Wood, we recognise that SMSC isn't a separate subject or something that stands on its own - it is woven through all areas of our school and teaching and sits at the heart of our provision. We have placed it at the centre as we recognise its importance and how it should therefore permeate every aspect of our curriculum and beyond. Our aim is that when someone steps into our school, the first thing that strikes them is SMSC. It should be evident in every pupil, every member of staff and in every part of school. Everyone should see that we have ‘the whole child’ at the centre of every decision we make and every experience we give them. In recognising the kind of citizens we want our children to be, we recognise the need for each and every child to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally.


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School Values

At Rose Wood Academy our school values of ‘Be Kind and REAP the Rewards’ underpins everything we do.

  • We actively promote kindness and tolerance to help instil a strong sense of moral purpose into our pupils. Pupils are then able to apply this understanding to their own lives and understand that they are responsible for their own actions. They are then able to articulate the consequences of their actions for themselves, others and wider society.
  • Children are taught the importance of building empathy and understanding in both personal and wider relationships. They are often asked to imagine what it would be like to see something from someone else’s point of view to help them understand the impact of their actions.
  • We teach children to celebrate the achievements of themselves and others and encourage them to support others to become the best that they can be, having pride in the achievements of others as well as themselves. Through this, we encourage resilience and determination.

We use our school values to drive our character development. We look at the values that ‘Be Kind and REAP the Rewards’ promotes and help children to see these values in themselves and others. Our values are woven through our wider curriculum and we focus on them when looking at the motivations of people we study. This can be, for example, when considering the actions of a significant historical figure or a character in a novel. Opportunities to consider our values are planned in to each of our ‘enquiry driven curriculum’ plans. We also help children to recognise it in themselves, their classmates and the adults in school, who act as role models. In our weekly celebration assembly, children win awards for embodying the school values and also have the chance to vote for classmates who they have seen display these values. These values are further reinforced through the enrichment opportunities offered to children across school.


We believe that PSHE plays a vital part in primary education. As such, we go beyond the statutory RSHE elements so that wider life issues can be explored; these include economic education, environmental and community issues, right and responsibilities. We follow SCARF for our PSHE scheme as it provides a comprehensive scheme of work for PSHE provision, covering all the statutory requirements for Relationships Education and Health Education. It also covers the learning opportunities within the PSHE association’s programme of study, therefore providing for elements such as the rights of the child, caring for the environment, economic education and children’s spiritual, moral, spiritual and cultural education.

Our PSHE education, including statutory Relationships and Health education, provides a framework through which key skills, attributes and knowledge can be developed and applied. This promotes positive behaviour, good mental health and wellbeing, resilience and achievement, helping children to stay safe online, have the skills and attributes to negotiate and assert themselves now and in the future and form positive relationships.


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At Rose Wood, learning is developed beyond the classroom to enrich learners – both within and beyond the school day. Our enrichment programme is designed to support our core offer and to develop character with a focus on the whole child.

Rose Wood’s school values are embedded in our programme of enrichment opportunities, which offer pupils a wealth of diverse and engaging activities at every stage of their education. The school’s enrichment programme extends pupils' knowledge and expands skills as well as giving them the opportunity to flourish as individuals. From academic activities, carrying out roles in school to sport and arts clubs, our enrichment activities promote problem solving, teamwork and a commitment to learning and self-improvement.

We offer an outdoor learning programme for Key Stage One and Two which links to our enquiry driven learning plans and gives children broader experiences such as shelter building and using a wide range of tools in the outdoor environment. This also ties in with our focus on well-being through our ‘Five steps to wellbeing: connect/keep learning/be active/give and take notice’. 

Our enrichment offer can be seen in more detail in our year group enrichment overviews. Please follow the links below to see our enrichment plans for each year group.

Enrichment Documents

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British Values

At Rose Wood, we define British Values in the following way:

  • Democracy - We have a say in the rules.
  • The rule of the Law - We follow the same rules to keep everybody safe.
  • Individual Liberty - We are free to be who we are.
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance - We treat everybody equally and respectfully

We believe that these British Values are key values at Rose Wood and are underpinned by our school values of ‘Be Kind and REAP the Rewards‘ (Respect, Empathy, Achievement and Pride’). British Values are threaded through all aspects of school life and are an integral part of our personal development provision.

British Values are part of the fabric of life at Rose Wood and are promoted throughout all aspects of school. They are also explicitly taught. British Values are planned into our assemblies, are identified as teaching opportunities in each ‘Enquiry Driven Curriculum’ plan and are also planned into our PSHE provision through SCARF. The ‘Enquiry Driven Curriculum’ plans can be seen on our Curriculum Overview page on our website. 

British Values

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Equality and Inclusion

Britain is a diverse and multicultural country that is rich in tradition and culture. We believe that it is imperative that children at Rose Wood gain a real understanding and appreciation of others, their cultures, traditions, and ways of life. We want to equip our children with an understanding of our diverse society, and the ability to co-exist with a range of people.

Equality and Inclusion

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Character Education

All at Rose Wood Academy work consciously and conscientiously to make it a place where children acquire the character virtues that lead to success in school and university, in work and life beyond.

 Our school values of ‘Be Kind and REAP the Rewards’ (Respect, Empathy, Achievement and Pride) permeate through all aspects of school life, acting as a compass to help direct children to make the right choices and embed character traits that prepare the children for life beyond Rose Wood.

Our work to develop character is premised upon the idea that character should be explicitly taught but is also embedded through the culture of the school. Children need to learn directly about character strengths and virtues but also need to be exposed to the concepts and language of character throughout their experience of school. This is best delivered through the ethos of the school, by teachers and other adults in school acting as role models and empowering children to be role models for each other.

 Our character development provision is infused with opportunities for children to develop their character strengths and virtues. Together, discrete and embedded learning gives the children the knowledge, language and moral exemplars to help them continue strengthening the virtues in their own lives.

More detail about how we develop the character of our children at Rose Wood is given in the mind map below:








Respect: to treat someone or something well
Empathy: to understand other people’s feelings
Achievement to accomplish something
Pride a feeling of satisfaction in the achievement of yourself or others




At Rose Wood Academy, we help develop our children’s character through our behaviour curriculum. In order to build character, we define the behaviours and habits that we expect pupils to demonstrate. We want to support our pupils to grow into adults who are polite, respectful, responsible citizens, who contribute positively to society.  We believe that, as pupils practise these behaviours over time, they become habits that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them. As philosopher Will Durant states, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” (1926)

At Rose Wood Academy our school values of ‘Be Kind and REAP the Rewards’ underpins everything we do. 

  • We actively promote kindness and tolerance to help instil a strong sense of moral purpose into our pupils.  Pupils are then able to apply this understanding to their own lives and understand that they are responsible for their own actions.  They are then able to articulate the consequences of their actions for themselves, others and wider society.
  • Children are taught the importance of building empathy and understanding in both personal and wider relationships.  They are often asked to imagine what it would be like to see something from someone else’s point of view to help them understand the impact of their actions.
  • We teach children to celebrate the achievements of themselves and others and encourage them to support others to become the best that they can be, having pride in the achievements of others as well as themselves. Through this, we encourage resilience and determination.

We use our school values to drive our character development. We look at the values that ‘Be Kind and REAP the Rewards’ promotes and help children to see these values in themselves and others.


Behaviour Curriculum

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Oracy Learning Showcase


What is oracy?

Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. 

In school, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. It is also a route to social mobility, empowering all students, not just some, to find their voice to succeed in school and life. 

At Rose Wood we aim to use oracy to allow children to become confident when speaking and presenting to a range of audiances and to be skillful in discussion and debate.  Children will be respectful when sharing their views and be empathetic when listening to the views of others.  They will use oracy skills to achieve success and will have pride in themselves and the achievments of others.

The Oracy Framework

As a school working with the Voice 21 project, Rose Wood Academy uses The Oracy Framework as a tool to structure our oracy curriculum. The Oracy Framework, devised by Voice 21 and Oracy Cambridge, provides a structure through which we can understand what constitutes good speaking and listening in different contexts. It breaks down the skills within oracy into four distinct but interlinked strands: physical, linguistic, cognitive and social & emotional.